Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Very Badass

Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude.

I’d better be first in a small village than be second in a big city.

I do not compete with others. Others compete with me.

I do not have an attitude problem.
You have a problem with my attitude.
And that’s not my problem.

My personal life is none of your business, and yours is of no interest to me.

People will love you.
People will hate you.
Others will secretly wish to be you.

I will give you more than you deserve and take little crap more than I deserve. But if you push me over the edge, I will make your life a living hell!

My attitude is based on how you treat me.

Two ways of dealing with my attitude:Take it or leave it.

Love me or hate me. Either way, I’m on your mind and I’m flattered.

I don’t care what people think or say about me. I was not born on this earth to please anyone.

To the lovers that have us and to the losers that lost us, we thank you for making us who we are today and we are stronger because of it.

Nope… Still don’t care.Try again tomorrow.

It’s what on the inside that counts. It’s what on the outside that matters.

Achoo! Did I not tell you I’m allergic to bullshit?
Today’s motto: Don’t care.

Life is 10% how you make it and 90% how you take it.

Don’t judge me unless you’ve walked the life I did and understand the experience of my heart.

Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles to frown. But it only takes 4 muscles to bitch slap the idiot.

I don't have  a temper. I just have a quick reaction to bullshit. 

I am in competition with no one. I run my own race. I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone, in anyway, shape or form. I just aim to improve, to be better than I was before. That's me and I'm free.

I hate when people ask me: What happened to the sweet old you?
Well, bitches like you killed it!

The problem with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. - Bertrand Russell. 

And I love this last one... 

Hated by plenty…
Wanted by many…
Disliked by some…
Confronted by none…

1. “A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.”- Charles Darwin
2. “You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”- Albert Camus
3. “Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.”- Mark Twain
4. “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”- Ralph Emerson
5. “The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right. Which one are you?”- Henry Ford
6. “Life’s under no obligation to give us what we expect.”- Margaret Mitchell
7. “I’m the one that’s got to die when it’s time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.” – Jimi Hendricks
8. “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”- George Bernard Shaw
9. “Get busy living or get busy dying.”- Stephen King
10. “Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination.”- Oscar Wilde
11.  “The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters.”- Aubrey Hepburn
12. “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit.” – Napoleon Hill
13. “My experience of life is that it is not divided up into genres; it’s a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy life quotedetective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you’re lucky.”- Alan Moore
14. “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”- Michael Jordan
15. “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.”- Harvey Fierstein
16. “Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”- Henry Ford
17. “And where I excel is ridiculous, sickening, work ethic. You know, while the other guy’s sleeping? I’m working.” – Will Smith
18. “Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.”- Lane Armstrong
19. “Lost opportunities, lost possibilities, feelings we can never get back. That’s part of what it means to be alive. But inside our heads – at least that’s where I imagine it – there’s a little room where we store those memories. A room like the stacks in this library. And to understand the workings of our own heart we have to keep on making new reference cards. We have to dust things off every once in awhile, let in fresh air, change the water in the flower vases. In other words, you’ll live forever in your own private library.” – Haruki Murakami

20. “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.”- Randy Pausch
21. “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”- Kurt Vonnegut
22. “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”- Dale Carnegie
23. “Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.”- Albert Camus
24. “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”- Buddha
25. “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”- Lao Tzu
26. “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” – Mae West
27. “Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.”- William James
28. “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”- Michael Jordan
29. “We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.”- May Sarton
quotes about life30. “Why do they always teach us that it’s easy and evil to do what we want and that we need discipline to restrain ourselves? It’s the hardest thing in the world–to do what we want. And it takes the greatest kind of courage. I mean, what we really want.”- Ayn Rand
31. “Life is to be enjoyed, not endured”- Henry Ford
32. “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.”- Alexander Graham Bell
33. “Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.”- Will Smith
34.  “make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never have thought of doing, or been too hesitant to attempt. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservation, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. If you want to get more out of life, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will at first appear to you to be crazy. But once you become accustomed to such a life you will see its full meaning and its incredible beauty.”- Jon Krakauer
35. “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” -Napoleon Hill
36. “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” – Dr Seuss
37. “The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey
38. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”- Martin Luther King Jr
39. “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me’.”- Erma Bombeck
40. “Where there is love there is life.”- Gandhi
41. “Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t.” -Erica Jong
42. “Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.”- Sholom Aleichemquotes about life
43. “Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.”- John Lennon
44. “We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers – but never blame yourself. It’s never your fault. But it’s always your fault, because if you wanted to change you’re the one who has got to change.” – Katharine Hepburn
45. “Never tell your problems to anyone…20% don’t care and the other 80% are glad you have them.- Lou Holtz
46. “Life is to be enjoyed, not endured”- Gordon Hinckley
47. “I don’t know the question, but sex is definitely the answer.”- Woody Allen
48. “The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters.”- Aubrey Hepburn
49. “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”- John F Kennedy
50. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”- Henry David Thoreau
51. “Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the strength, move on.”- Henry Rollins
52. “Life was meant to be lived, and curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.”- Eleanor Roosevelt
53. “It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.”- Dale Carnegie
54. “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson
55. “The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.”- Eminem
56. “I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.”- John Burroughs
57. “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”- Confucius
badass quotes58. “Life’s hard. It’s even harder when you’re stupid.”- John Wayne
59. “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” – Soren Kierkegaard
60. “Life is 10 percent what you make it, and 90 percent how you take it.” – Irving Berlin
61. “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” – Jackie Robinson
62. “The only disability in life is a bad attitude.” – Scott Hamilton
63. “Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about.” – Oscar Wilde
64. “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” – Marie Curie
65. “Once you say you’re going to settle for second, that’s what happens to you in life.” – John F. Kennedy
66. “Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.” – Josh Billings
67. “I love those who yearn for the impossible.” – Johann Wollfgang von Goethe
68. “There are three constants in life… change, choice and principles.” – Stephen Covey
69. “Don’t let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.” -Richard Evans
70. “Don’t go through life, grow through life.” -Eric Butterworth
71. “The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.” – Henry David Thoreau
72. “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” – Helen Keller
73. “To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.” – Buddha
74.  “Any idiot can face a crisis – it’s day to day living that wears you out.” – Anton Chekhov
75. “Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.” – Simone de Beauvoir
76. “Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts.”- Sorean Kierkegaard
77. “If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.” – Bruce Leebest life quotes
78. “Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” – Mark Twain
79. “A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life.” – James Allen
80. “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
81. “What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds.” – Wayne Dyer
82. “Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued.” – Socrates
83. “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.” – William James
84. “The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.” – Jimi Hendrix
85. “Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier.” – Albert Schweitzer
86. “Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.” – Wayne Dyer
87. “When I hear somebody sigh, ‘Life is hard,’ I am always tempted to ask, ‘Compared to what?” – Sydney Harris
88. “Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be.” – Jose Ortega y Gasset
89. “Most people have never learned that one of the main aims in life is to enjoy it.” – Samuel Butler
quotes to inspire you90. “We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from life.” – William Osler
91. “Life is half spent before we know what it is.” – George Herbert
92. “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” – Robert Byme
93. “Life is never easy for those who dream.” – Robert James Waller
94. “If you live long enough, you’ll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you’ll be a better person. It’s how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit.” – William Clinton
95. “One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.” – William Feather
96. “I look back on my life like a good day’s work, it was done and I am satisfied with it.” – Grandma Moses
97. “Seventy percent of success in life is showing up.” – Woody Allen
98. “Life is not an exact science, it is an art.” – Samuel Butler
99. “Life is like a trumpet – if you don’t put anything into it, you don’t get anything out of it.” – William Christopher Handy

1. Talent is given, greatness is earned..
2. Don’t let someone else’s opinion of you become your reality.
3. Listen, smile, agree and then do whatever you were going to do anyway.
4. Never let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.
5. The person who says something is impossible should not interrupt the person who is doing it
6. It is never too late to be what you might have been.
7. Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.
8. If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.
9. The higher you climb the better the view.
10. With patience you can even cook a stone. (One of the best quotes to live by)
11. Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there’s footprints on the moon.
12. Life is not measured by the amount of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away
13. It’s important to make someone happy, and it’s important to start with yourself.
14. If you settle for just anything, you’ll never know what you’re truly worthy of.
15. In life, you get what you put in. Everything comes back around.
16. Death is not the greatest loss in life; the greatest loss is what dies inside while you’re still alive
17. If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.
18. Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain. – Vivian Greene
19. I know where I’m going and I know the truth, and I don’t have to be what you want me to be. I’m free to be what I want.
20. Dream as you will live forever, live as you will die today.
21. If you want something you’ve never had then you you’ve got to do something you’ve never done.
22. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve. – Napoleon Hill
23. Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. – Michael Jordan
24. Life is a stage and you get only one performance. Make it a good one.
25. As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, THINK BIG.
Get Results Motivational Video, Get results, Mohammad Ali, quote, ali quote, quotes to live by, inspirational quotes to live by
26. Nothing is impossible, the word it self says I’m possible.
27. They laugh at me because I’m different, I laugh at them because they’re all the same.
28. Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.
29. Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it.
30. To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that’s all.
31. Live life to the fullest because you only get to live it once.
32. Do things that count, but don’t count the things you do.
33. Begin each day with a grateful heart.
34. Opportunity is missed by people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
35. Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right.
36. Everyday is a new beginning, take a deep breath and start again.
37. If you wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.
38. Don’t live your fears, live your dreams.
39. We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
40. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously, that you might as well not have lived at all- In which case you fail by default.
41. If you do not go after go after what you want, you will never have it. If you do not ask, the answer will always be NO. If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place.
42. Clear your mind of can’t!
43. All the days that you wake up, you got one job, and that’s to get better every single day.
44. When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.
45. Life is too short to wait.
46. I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.
47. I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
48. It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.
49. Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.
50. The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
Those Who Fail, Failure, Miserably, Can Achieve greatly, Quotes to live by

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” – Paulo Coelho
“If you really want to do something you’ll find a way, if you don’t you’ll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn
Great people, no matter their field, have similar habits. Learn them and use them in your own quest for greatness.” – Paula Andress
“Obstacles are those things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.” – Henry Ford
“Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best.” – Unknown
“Choose a job you love, & you will never have to work a day in your life. – Confucius
“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” – Gail Sheehy
“Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing, your attitude when you have everything.” –Unknown
“STOP looking back!!!! When your past calls do NOT pick up!! it has nothing new to say.” – Rev Run
“You choose the #life you live. If you don’t like it, it’s on you to change it because no one else is going to do it for you.” – Kim Kiyosaki
“The biggest mistake you’ll ever make is letting people stay in your life for longer than they deserve.” –Unknown
“Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position, or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility, service, & character.” – WA Ward
“Critical feedback is the breakfast of champions. Defensiveness is the dinner of losers.” – Dharmesh Shah
“Before you dismiss a beginner’s work, remember how much you sucked when you started. You probably sucked worse, actually.” – Jason Fried
“You cannot control everything that happens to you; you can only control the way you respond to what happens. In your response is your power.” – Unknown
“Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar
“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan
“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
“If you want it, become it.” – Mastin Kipp
“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein
“If it isn’t a little scary it probably isn’t worth your time.” – Ted Murphy
“You were born with the ability to change someone’s life – don’t ever waste it.” – Dale Partridge
“If you worry about what might be, and wonder what might have been, you will ignore what is.” – Unknown
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell
“Life is accumulative – Either our errors accumulate to what we don’t get, or our wise decisions accumulate into what we do get.” – Jim Rohn
“Don’t allow your past or present condition to control you. It’s just a process that you’re going through to get you to the next level.” – T.D Jakes
“Often what may appear as a detour in life is actually the most direct and empowering path to your destination.” – James Arthur Ray
“You will meet two kinds of people in life: ones who build you up and ones who tear you down. But in the end, you’ll thank them both.” – Unknown
“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Don’t be afraid of failure, be afraid of not trying in the first place.” – Marie Forleo
“Never ignore someone who cares for you because someday you’ll realize you’ve lost a diamond while you were busy collecting stones.” – Unknown
“If you are honest, truthful, and transparent, people trust you. If people trust you, you have no grounds for fear, suspicion or jealousy.” – Dalai Lama
“Don’t let your happiness depend on something you may lose.” – C. S. Lewis
“Don’t worry what others are doing. Do you!” – Russell Simmons
“Stay strong. Even when it feels like everything’s falling apart.” – Unknown
“Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities.” – Aldous Huxley
“Silence your critics. Ignore your haters. Delete your cynics.” – Robin Sharma
“Your mind is like water, when agitated it becomes difficult to see but if allowed to settle, the answer becomes clear.” – Tsem Tulku Rinpoche
“Failure is a prerequisite for great success. If you want to succeed faster, double your rate of failure.” – Brian Tracy
“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” – Nelson Mandela
“Be willing to go all out, in pursuit of your dream. Ultimately it will pay off. You are more powerful than you think you are.” – Les Brown
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible'” – Audrey Hepburn
“Don’t speak unless you can improve the silence.” – Spanish Proverb
“Just Remember: The people that say, “your dreams are impossible ” have already quit on theirs.” – Grant Cardone
“Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know everything happens for a reason.” – Albert Schweitzer
“Kiss slowly, laugh insanely, live truly and forgive quickly.” – Paulo Coelho
“The only wealth which you will keep forever is the wealth you have given away.” – Marcus Aurelius
“If you’re never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.” – Julia Sorel